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{Client Event} XNE Financial Advising Hosts Youth Financial Workshop
On Saturday, April 27th, we will host XNE Financial Advising's FIRST brand event. Corporate and brand events are our specialty and we are...

Xavier Teaches Plays Game to Show Difference Between Generic and Name Brand Foods
On Monday, April 15th, Xavier Epps joined Good Morning Washington to share grocery shopping tips and how our minds can cost us more...

{Client News} Xavier Epps Shares Ways Parents Can Discuss Finances with Children
April is Financial Literacy Month, a time to highlight the importance of financial literacy and healthy financial habits. Our team worked...

{Client News} Xavier Epps Shared Tips for Tax Season on Wake Up Washington
On Sunday, March 10th, Financial Expert Xavier Epps appeared on Wake Up Washington to discuss tax season. He sat down with host Mikea...

{Client News} Xavier Epps to Share Tax Season Tips on Wake Up Washington!
On Sunday, March 10, client Xavier Epps, Financial Expert and Owner of XNE Financial Advising, will appear on Wake Up Washington to share...

{Client News} Xavier Epps Shared Tips for Preparing for Financial Emergencies
On Sunday, January 6th, client Xavier Epps, of XNE Financial Advising, sat down with Mikea Turner of Wake Up Washington to discuss how to...

{Client News} Xavier Epps Shared Tips for Government Contractors and Business Owners Impacted by Par
On Thursday, January 3rd, Xavier Epps of XNE Financial Advising also joined Let's Talk Live DC to discuss how other people are impacted...

{Client News} Xavier Epps Shared Tips for Furloughed Federal Employees
On Thursday, January 3rd, Xavier Epps of XNE Financial Advising joined the Good Morning Washington team to discuss tips for furloughed...

{Client News} Xavier Epps Shared Tips for Budgeting for the Holiday Season with WUSA9
The holiday season is upon us, which means increased cheer -- and spending! Client Xavier Epps, of XNE Financial Advising, joined WUSA 9...

{Client News} Xavier Epps Shared Tips for National Savings Day on Let's Talk Live DC!
Today our client, Xavier Epps of XNE Financial Advising, appeared on Let's Talk Live DC to discuss National Savings Day. Xavier shared...
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